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From Texture to Trademark – The Patterned Concrete Story

Ancient deposits of concrete have been discovered that pre-date recorded history. The first known users are thought to be the Nabataean traders in 6500 B.C. and used for homes and underground cisterns. Ancient Egyptians mixed mortar of lime and gypsum to build the Great Pyramid at Giza. The Great Wall of China used a concrete…


Stop Shovelling and Enjoy Your Snow Days

Whether a snow day for you means sleeping in and spending the day in pyjamas binge-watching movies, gaming or reading, or getting out to focus on wintry fun, clearing snow and ice is a necessary chore. And if your business beckons despite the snowy weather, shovelling can be a double whammy. Snow removal is a…


World of Concrete

Celebrating 40 years, WOC is the industry’s only annual international event dedicated to the commercial concrete and masonry construction industries showcasing leading industry suppliers.



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caring for your driveway

Caring For Your Driveway

Driveways: not everyone has them, but those who do appreciate them. But they also know they can be a pain to maintain. No matter the type of driveway you have, there are many things in common about their care. This article will cover everything you’ll need to know to keep your driveway looking good and working properly.



Why Some Concrete Cracks And How You Can Help Prevent It

Concrete is practical; everyone knows that. It can be beautiful as well when it’s stamped or otherwise decorative. But one thing that can discourage people from choosing it is that they’ve seen how it can crack.


home hero

The Benefits Of A Heated Driveway

For those of us who live in northern climes, the annual struggle with snowfall is real. While the white stuff is beautiful, it also makes driving and walking difficult – including on our own residential and business properties.